Thursday, February 27, 2014

New things

For the last eight months I have been living at my grandparents house, due to the three month break-up Peter and I endured last May. When I moved out of the house I was sharing with Peter and his younger brother Mark, they had another roommate move into the spare room to help save money. When Peter and I were steadily dating and back together once again, we both decided it would be better if I waited to move in until Mark and the other roommate moved out. So, I waited, and it seemed like an eternity for me, being that I was pregnant this whole time and wanting to be in my own place to plan and nest. Finally the other roommate moved out at the end of December and February rolled around, which meant I could move in again! No more longing for my own place to belong and feel at ease and just be myself. Took a huge load of stress off of my mind, and everyday struggles of trying to carry on a comfortable life living out of a small bedroom at my grandparents house, where I felt confined and irritated on a daily basis. Such a relief! My mood has changed so much, and I can do a lot more with my energy now. It was a rough start, having to clean up after three guys who were the least bit concerned about having a clean house for eight months. I will not go into details. I definitely got some exercise from my massive overtaking of cleaning journeys throughout the house. Luckily I found some good cleaning products that are natural and safe for me to use, because if I couldn't do this myself, it just wouldn't be how I wanted it to be, or up to my standards I should say. Peter and I still share the same schedule mostly with our days off being wednesdays and thursdays together and then I also have fridays off. Three day breaks from work are nice and allow me the time to be productive around the house, as well as to spend quality time with Peter. We have a tremendous amount the work to do around the house still before baby comes and that is the next mound of stress that my mind has taken upon itself. Slowly but surely we will get it done. My main focus being on getting our wood floors done by the time we have our baby shower in April, which is a month and half away now--crazy. Second point of focus would be getting our backyard decent looking enough for the shower, and the third priority being baby Oskar's room. Though, I cannot worry too much about it right now, only because Mark is still living here and I can't exactly force him to move out onto the couch, nor do I want to. So, Oskars room will have to wait until about mid April after Mark moves out. I am not too concerned with it though, all we have to do is paint the walls, clean the carpets, and set up the furniture that we wont have until after the baby showers anyway. I plan on his nursery being very simplistic, thrifty, and modern. No themes, except for simplicity itself. I want it to be a room where I can hang out too and feel comfortable. I want it to be something that he can grow into, and we wont have to transform it as he goes through the many stages of boyhood. We want to incorporate a lot of greenery into the room as well, Pete is really excited to find just the right plants to place in just the right spots. I've decided its best for me, and my wallet to stop buying stuff for Oskar and let everyone else do that for me. I'll be waiting for my showers and after, if certain things are still needed I can then go shopping. I am really excited to check out 'Between friends', a huge consignment sale for all stuff baby and toddler that is held every April at the fairgrounds in Roseville. Everything from clothing, to furniture, to breast pumps and toys. All used, yet all in very good condition. I've heard about it for a few years, but had no reason to go obviously. Okay, enough about Oskars room. So far moving back in has been fairly easy, and I have enjoyed it. Being able to wake up in my own house, in my bed that I share with my man, to look over my shoulder and see my dog whining in my face for me to feed her in the morning is the greatest thing, something that I will never take for granted, ever again! Our house is so bright, and so comfy, I am at ease, I am in my own realm again, and it feels so awesome. I love cleaning my kitchen. I love making my bed. I love folding my clean laundry and hearing my bird chirp back at me while doing so. I love being able to spend my mornings with Peter, taking a shower and getting ready in my bathroom, having him around me is such a treat. Waking up to his hand across my swollen belly is the best feeling. Getting this chance to create our own little family is the most amazing gift I could ever ask for and getting the ability to now savor every moment of it is my goal from morning till I close my eyes at night. I used to take all of these little things that make up so much of what my life really is, for granted. My resolution for this year is to live life in a more simple matter. To not worry about the smaller things in life that take up so much energy and time (money, materialistic things, people) and focus on the bigger picture, the big things that really do matter, like waking up alive and healthy next to my man, while my little boy squirms around in my tummy, that I am creating!!! Such an amazing thing to be able to say that I created a human. Life as of right now is pretty great, there are everyday triumphs that by no means are a breeze to ignore, but trying to not let them ruin my day is something that I am working on and doing well at so far. Well I should close my eyes and sleep, we have more moving of my things tomorrow, more cleaning and more enjoying life to do. 

that is all for now,
l i n d s a y

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