Thursday, January 30, 2014

pregnancy up to date

I am currently 22 weeks and 5 days pregnant. My due date is and has continued to stay at May 31st 2014 since my very first doctor visit and ultrasound. On January 13th we found out that we are expecting a little boy. We are still searching and tossing some names around and as soon as we make a final decision I will definitely post it on here! As for how I am feeling- so far, so good. In the beginning I definitely had morning sickness, (it should be called 'all the time sickness') and I was extremely tired all the time. That lasted till about the 15th week, and then tapered off pretty quickly. I am three weeks away from going into my third trimester already! Time seemed to take SO LONG at first, and now it seems to be going faster and faster. I am starting to feel fatigued in the mornings again, and especially after a day of work now. I am currently working at the restaurant still as a bartender/server, pulling 4-5 shifts a week. As long as my pregnancy keeps going well, I plan to keep working as much as I can until my body or my doctor wont let me anymore. The little man likes to kick and roll around a lot during the day, I don't notice him much at night, but he's still so little at this point, I'm sure that will change! Right now according to my BabyCenter weekly update he should be about ten inches long from head to toe and weigh just over a pound. When we had our last ultrasound done, he measured normal size and seemed to be healthy and happy. Well it is late and I think that is all for now, I will post more soon and pictures too.

..l i n d s a y..

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