Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Month 12!

happy first birthday my sweet little not so baby man. trucks, water, rocks and dirt are a few of your most favorite things in life currently and definitely classify you as a "boy" but I see those things as being earthy and creative and independent. yogurt, chicken, and nectarines your favorite foods. you basically love anything we give you, as long as it's not a slimy avocado or banana -you hate those. you still sleep by your mamas side and although it's still a little rough on her at times when you wake up 22 times a night to comfort feed, she wouldn't have it any other way. your first real word shows your undying love for your doggie "Teagy" as you say over and over when she's near, she is also the only other being (besides me)  that you will literally grab her head and kiss her snout because you think it's her mouth. you hate balloons, loud noise, thunder, and when people are in your face talking in baby talk like you're an idiot. you look like your dad, and you love cake and zucchini like your mom, but you also hate eggs like your dad. It's really amazing to see the little people you create with another person take on all of your traits and habits and create their own too. All in all, Oskar Reed I think you're turning out to be a rad little boy and such a blessing.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Almost one

So Like every other mother has thought to herself, I can't believe my baby is actually turning one year old in just a few short weeks. Where the hell did all that time go? Back in the early days I was almost certain that time couldn't possibly be going any slower, and that I had actually wished that I could fast forward things to six months ahead, because let's be honest, I was scared out of my fucking mind. Be careful what you wish for.-[ Now I wish I could rewind, but honestly, I can do without the scared shitless new parent 'where do I even begin or how' phase of brand new motherhood. No thanks. My baby and I have come a LONG way from that first night home from the hospital. When of course Oskar decided that that night was a great time to cry his hardest for as long as humanly possible for no apparent reason and scare the hell out of myself and Peter. We conquered that first bit of Nasty diaper rash. We leaped over hurdles and bounds and more hurdles with acid reflux and gaining a steady healthy weight, battling those ever present bouts of projectile vomit that were literally all day every day, can't stop / won't stop style. Golly damn doo it's been a bit of a rough road, but in that also a spectacular learning experience. I feel like a pro now. My life has literally flipped and flopped into something completely different than it used to be or that I could have ever dreamed it would be - even with a baby. I didn't believe anyone who said it was hard. I wish I could slap my old self. So naive. So quick to assume. But all in all, in the end, it is absolutely amazing in every possible way, the good and the bad, and it makes you really pry into yourself and think about what you're doing, and what you will do with this precious being in the future. It all matters now, when in days before it seemed like sometimes I just didn't care about much of anything, it all counts now, everything I do. All I have. It's all for a reason now. The best reason possible.